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Time Management (Veritime)
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Attendance Management (formerly AESOP) is our online program where employees list any absence from their classroom or work area during a regularly scheduled work days.
Absence reasons:
* Personal sickness or family sickness
* Personal Day (Five per scholastic year)
* Vacation (12 month employees only)
* Bereavement (Three per year - immediate family member)
* Compensatory Time (Approval and paperwork required - support personnel only)
* Flexible Leave (Approval and paperwork required - certified personnel only)
* On the Job Injury (Approval and paperwork required)
* Jury Duty (Court document required to be submitted in advance to the payroll department.)
* Military Leave (Official documents required to be submitted in advance to the payroll
* Non-professional Development (No PLU or educational credit earned for this leave)
* Professional Development (PLU or educational/professional credit earned for this leave)
* Field Trip (Classroom trip with your class/students)
* Unavoidable Leave (Approval and paperwork required)
Time Management
* Certified personnel are required to sign in each day. If personnel are leaving their job earlier than the end of the day or for appointments listed in Aesop, certified employees should sign out at that time. Itinerant employees should sign in at their assigned school in the morning and out when leaving for their second school. Upon arrival to their second assignment, employees should sign in again at that location.
* Support personnel are required to sign in AND out each day.
* Substitutes are required to sign in AND out each day.
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