From the desk of Anthony Cooper, CSFO
To the Dekalb County employees,
As a payroll and accounting department we understand that your time is quite often limited. Everyday as you work with students throughout our county you have an abundance of items to address and complete.
It is our goal to assist you to make your job easier and more efficient. This site has been designed to be user friendly and to help you gain access to forms and information that you need possibly quite often, maybe just once a year, only when it is time for a leave of absence or retirement.
We appreciate all you do to help our students and schools be successful. We are here to assist you as we can.


Anthony Cooper
Benefits and Mandatory Deductions
Tier 1 Employee 7.5%
BOE 12.43%
Tier 2 Employee 6.0%
BOE 11.34%
SS Employee 6.2%/BOE 6.2%
Medicare 1.45%
Unemployment .03%
Health Insurance $800
Tier 1 Employee 7.5%
BOE 12.41%
Tier 2 Employee 6.0%
BOE 11.35%
SS Employee 6.2%/BOE 6.2%
Medicare 1.45%
Unemployment .03%
Health Insurance $800